When Should I Schedule My Child’s First Dental Visit?

As a parent, you will experience many firsts and exciting milestones, and the first dental visit is one to add to the baby book. Our team at Dentistry for Children is excited to celebrate this important occasion with you. We look forward to working alongside you to set the foundation for a lifetime of healthy, beautiful smiles.
When Should Your Child First See a Pediatric Dentist?
Caring for your little one’s smile right from the start will reflect on your child’s long-term oral health. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommend scheduling your child’s first dental visit within six months of the first baby tooth appearing and no later than the first birthday.
From that point on, kids typically require dental visits every six months. If, however, you see any signs of decay or have any concerns, make sure to schedule an appointment right away. Signs you need to visit your child’s pediatric dentist include white or brown spots on the teeth, bluish bruises where teeth are coming in, ulcers or lesions in the mouth, or anything out of the ordinary or concerning to you.
Why Care for Baby Teeth?
Your child’s baby teeth will fall out eventually, so their health does not matter. Right? Wrong! Those pearly whites are critical to your child’s oral and overall health. Your baby needs strong and pain-free teeth to learn how to speak and chew solid foods. A decayed or painful tooth can interfere with eating and getting the necessary nutrition to grow and stay healthy.
Decay in baby teeth is a serious matter. If not treated, it can cause permanent damage to the adult teeth yet to erupt. Moreover, losing a baby tooth too early due to tooth decay or injuries may result in the neighboring teeth drifting toward the gap, potentially leading to crooked permanent teeth, a crowded mouth, and problems with the bite. Your child may need braces down the road to correct orthodontic issues resulting from missing a baby tooth.
The Importance of Infant Dental Visits
There are many reasons why early dental visits are essential for your little one, including the following:
Establishing a Dental Home: Establishing a dental home right from the start ensures that your child receives regular dental care in a familiar and comfortable environment. That helps make future dental visits less stressful and helps our team at Dentistry for Children keep track of your child’s dental development.
Early Detection of Dental Problems: Early and ongoing visits to your child’s pediatric dentist allow for the early detection of problems with the teeth, gums, or jaw. These include cavities, gum disease, or problems with the bite. Identifying any concerns and treating them in their earliest stages prevents the need for extensive dental treatments down the road.
Preventing Future Oral Health Problems: Routine dental visits allow us to provide your child with preventive services, including fluoride treatments, dental sealants, and instructions on proper oral hygiene practices. Prevention is the key to reducing the risk of tooth decay, cavities, and other dental health concerns.
Parent Education: Your baby’s dental visits offer an excellent opportunity to answer your questions and address your concerns. We also talk about caring for your child’s teeth and gums, healthy nutrition for healthy smiles, habits such as pacifier use and thumbsucking, and so much more. We are always here for you to offer any tips or guidance to ensure your little one’s oral health stays in tip-top shape.
Preparing for Your Child’s First Dental Visit
The big day is almost here. It is time to prepare for the first dental visit. Remember that your child will pick up on any anxiety. So even if you are not a fan of the dentist, do not let it show. If you stay positive and upbeat, you will convey the message that there is nothing to fear.
Be mindful of when you schedule the first trip to the dentist. Choose a time when your child is typically in a good mood, usually after a nap or mealtime. A tired or hungry child may not be as open to new situations and may not be too cooperative. Bringing along a favorite comfort buddy or a cozy blanket can help put your child at ease.
Talk to your child about the “nice tooth doctor” and read a book or two about visiting the dentist. Avoid using any scary words and continue to build excitement about the upcoming appointment. Make sure you are positive and shower your child with praise for being brave.
If you feel your child needs a little more encouragement or you have any questions, please let us know. We are happy to provide you with pointers to ensure your little one’s first dental visit is a happy and memorable one.
What Can You Expect During the First Dental Visit?
After greeting you and your little one, Dr. Halum will ask about your child’s dental and medical history and if you have any current concerns. He will examine your baby’s mouth for signs of tooth decay and any other problems.
At Dentistry for Children, we never spare any effort to ensure your child’s first dental visit is as comfortable and informative as possible. Dr. Halum will discuss diet and hygiene recommendations to ensure those pearly whites stay healthy and bright. He will also talk to you about what to expect with teething and when to schedule your little one’s next visit. Dr. Halum and his team are always happy to answer your questions and assist you in any way possible.
Quality Pediatric Dentistry Services Near Me in Highland, IN
We are excited you chose Dentistry for Children for your baby’s first dental visit. Our kid-friendly team looks forward to working alongside you to lay the foundation for healthy habits that lead to healthy smiles for life. We invite you to call our office at 219-924-5437 to schedule your child’s first dental visit or use our online form to request an appointment today!