Should My Teen Still See a Pediatric Dentist?

Teen at Pediatric Dentist

Transitioning from childhood to adolescence brings many changes. So, should your child continue to see a pediatric dentist? At Dentistry for Children, we offer comprehensive care for kids until their early teens to ensure they establish a foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles.

Should Teens Switch to a General Dentist?

At Dentistry for Children, we typically care for existing patients until about age 15, depending on their unique needs. When it comes to new patients, we typically accept children 12 years and under to best serve their unique needs. So why continue seeing a pediatric dentist until the early teens? Aside from familiarity, there are many reasons why a pediatric dentist is the best-equipped dental professional to care for your child’s oral health needs.

The Advantage of Seeing a Pediatric Dentist

While general, family, and pediatric dentists are all dedicated to prevention and early intervention to maintain healthy, beautiful smiles, there are significant differences. A pediatric dentist, for instance, undergoes at least two additional years of specialized training after dental school, solely focusing on the unique needs of growing smiles. This rigorous training equips them to provide the highest standard of care for developing smiles.

Why Children in Their Early Teens Should Stick with Pediatric Dentists

Here are some reasons why children in their early teens should continue seeing a pediatric dentist:

Their Smiles Are Still Growing: Even though many children in their early teens no longer have any baby teeth, changes are still taking place in the structure of the mouth, face, and jaw. Because pediatric dentists have specialized education and training, they best understand the effects of growth on a child’s oral health and are the best equipped to care for their smiles during these critical years of growth and development.

Addressing Orthodontic Concerns: Ever since your child was a tiny tot, their pediatric dentist has been monitoring their growth and oral development with orthodontic needs in mind. If your child’s jaw does not keep up with the incoming permanent teeth, problems may develop, including crowding, misalignment, and tooth impaction. Pediatric dentists are best equipped to guide you and help you determine if or when to seek orthodontic treatment to get your child’s smile back on track.

Establishing Healthy Habits: At Dentistry for Children, we are passionate about laying the groundwork for healthy smiles that last a lifetime. We love teaching our young patients about good oral hygiene habits, nutritious food choices, and being proactive in caring for their oral health. As pediatric dentists, we understand the unique needs of teens and offer tailored advice and care to help them enjoy optimal oral health as they transition into adulthood.

Comprehensive Services for Kids and Early Teens at Dentistry for Children

At Dentistry for Children, we offer a range of services tailored to the needs of kids and those in their early teens, including the following:

Routine Dental Exams and Cleanings: Regular check-ups and cleanings are critical for the prevention and early detection of dental problems that are common during adolescence, including tooth decay and gum disease. We recommend keeping up with twice-yearly dental visits to keep your child’s smile healthy and bright.

Fluoride Treatments: We offer fluoride treatments to strengthen your child’s tooth enamel and lower the risk of cavities, a common concern in growing smiles. It can also remineralize the tooth enamel, reversing early decay. Kids and young teens’ teeth are prone to developing tooth decay because of snacking habits, sugary drinks, and perhaps inconsistent dental hygiene.

Tooth-Colored Fillings: Our tooth-colored composite resin fillings offer an aesthetic option to repair cavities and restore healthy smiles. We closely match the filling material to the color of the surrounding teeth, ensuring your child continues to enjoy a seamless smile.

Custom Sports Mouthguards: Many kids and young teens are involved in high-impact sports, increasing their risk of dental injuries. We are pleased to offer custom-created sports mouthguards to safeguard your child’s teeth and oral structures during athletic activities. The National Youth Sports Safety Foundation estimates that sports-related dental injuries are 60 times more likely to occur without sports mouthguards, often leading to long-term dental problems.

Advanced Technology: We offer advanced technology, like our cutting-edge intraoral camera, to capture detailed images of your child’s mouth. These images are displayed on a screen so your child can see what we are seeing. We aim to empower our young patients to make informed decisions about their dental care and to become more proactive in caring for their smiles.

Teen Dental Care Near Me in Highland, IN

Contact Dentistry for Children to learn more about our dental services for kids in their early teens. Dr. Halum and our dedicated team look forward to helping our young patients establish healthy habits to set the stage for a lifetime of healthy and beautiful smiles. We invite you to call our office at 219-924-5437 to schedule an appointment or use our online form to request one today!