8 Ways to Enjoy a Cavity-Free Summer

Dental Cavity

Summer is an exciting time filled with fun and adventures. However, it’s important to make smart choices to maintain cavity-free teeth. Dr. Halum and his team at Dentistry for Children are happy to share tips to help make this summer a season filled with healthy, happy smiles!

#1  Limit Sugary Foods and Drinks

The warm summer months are a time for fun and indulgence, but it’s important to be mindful of your child’s dental health. Sugary snacks and drinks can provide cavity-causing bacteria with a plentiful food supply. As they feast, bacteria produce acids that attack the protective layer of enamel, leading to tooth demineralization and decay over time. Encouraging your child to limit the consumption of sugary snacks and drinks will help lower the risk of tooth decay and cavities.

#2  Put Sticky, Starchy Treats Away

We recommend limiting sticky foods, which can cling to your little one’s teeth and are hard to remove. The same goes for starchy foods like potato chips and white bread. Saliva breaks these down into a pasty, sticky substance that is hard to clean off, which can increase the risk of tooth decay and cavities.

#3  Choose Smile-Friendly Snacks

Encourage your child to eat smile-friendly snacks that are not only nutritious but also boost their oral health. Healthy summer snack ideas include crunchy fruits and vegetables, cheese, and yogurt. For a quick, delicious treat, blend a frozen banana with your child’s choice of fresh fruits. Your kids will thank you, and so will their smiles!

#4  Have Your Child Drink Lots of Water

As summer temperatures soar, it is critical to keep your child hydrated. Encourage your little one to sip on water throughout the day. Not only will that quench their thirst, but it will also rinse away food particles and help neutralize harmful acid, lowering the chances of cavities.

#5  Encourage Daily Brushing

As you and your kids enjoy warm, relaxed summer days, brushing those pearly whites may be the last thing on anyone’s mind. However, it is important to continue brushing at least twice a day using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Remind your little one to brush for at least two minutes each time and to clean all the teeth, including the molars. A timer or a favorite song can help ensure adequate brushing time.

#6  Stay on Top of Flossing

Very few adults floss as often as they should, but encouraging your kids to maintain good oral hygiene practices this summer will set the stage for a lifetime of healthy smiles. Emphasize the importance of flossing and demonstrate how to clean between their teeth. Remind your little one to floss the hard-reach places that toothbrushes can’t reach.

#7  Plan for Trips or Camps

If you have travels or summer camps planned this summer, make sure you pack everything your child needs to care for their smile. Look for travel-sized toothbrushes, toothpaste, and floss at your local drugstore. Encourage your child to maintain good oral hygiene practices, including regular brushing and flossing, even when away from home.

#8  Visit Your Child’s Pediatric Dentist

One of the best ways to keep your child’s smile healthy over the summer and throughout the year is to schedule twice-yearly dental checkups and cleanings. During these visits, Dr. Halum and his team check for signs of tooth decay and gum disease, and they clean your child’s teeth to remove plaque and tartar. Catching tooth decay in its earliest stages will prevent it from progressing and becoming a more significant problem down the road. Summer dental appointments are an excellent opportunity to start the school year with healthy, pain-free smiles.

What If Your Child Develops a Cavity?

Staying on top of your child’s dental health this summer will lower the risk of cavities. If, however, one does develop, Dentistry for Children is here to help. Dr. Halum may recommend a white, tooth-colored filling. The composite resin material will help restore the tooth and prevent more extensive damage.

Composite fillings are closely matched to your child’s natural teeth, delivering seamless smiles. The material is incredibly durable, enhancing your child’s smile for years to come. Good oral hygiene and regular visits to our pediatric dental practice will ensure your little one continues to enjoy a healthy, beautiful smile.

Pain-Free Tooth Fillings

At Dentistry for Children, we are committed to investing in the latest technology to deliver exceptional, gentle care to our young patients. We are excited to introduce our Solea dental laser, the revolutionary device that takes the drill, needle, noise, numbness, and pain out of your child’s dental visits.

So how exactly does Solea work? Solea is the first CO2 laser that is FDA-cleared for hard and soft tissue dental procedures. When it comes to cavity repair, Solea offers a unique experience. Dr. Halum will remove the decayed parts of the tooth and prepare it for a filling using the laser instead of the drill.

The Solea device is so precise that it easily vaporizes the decayed tooth structure while leaving the healthy parts of the tooth intact. Solea eliminates harmful bacteria during cavity repair, clearing any infection and reducing the chances of future decay.

Our young patients feel virtually no pain during treatment, which almost feels like giving the tooth a shower. The laser is so gentle that no numbing is necessary. Solea allows us to repair several cavities in a single appointment!

Preventive Dental Care Near Me in Highland, IN

Visit Dentistry for Children to learn more about helping your child enjoy a cavity-free summer. Dr. Halum and his team are happy to offer tips to keep your little one’s smile healthy and bright. We invite you to call our office at 219-924-5437 to schedule an appointment or use our online form to request one today!