What to Do When Your Child Has a Dental Emergency

Dental Emergency

Dentistry for Children is pleased to offer trusted pediatric dental emergency services to children in Highland, IN, and the surrounding communities. We understand that dental emergencies can be stressful for you and your little one. Dr. Halum and his team are committed to doing everything possible to ensure your child is comfortable while providing the needed emergency dental care.

What Constitutes a Dental Emergency?

Dental emergencies are situations that require urgent care to relieve severe tooth pain, treat an oral infection, or save a tooth. If you are not sure whether your child’s dental problem requires emergency care, consider the following questions:

  • Is your child experiencing severe tooth or mouth pain that will not go away?
  • Has your child experienced an accident causing a cut to the tongue, lips, or cheeks?
  • Is there a cracked, loose, or knocked-out tooth?
  • Does your child have a bump or pimple on the gums?
  • Is there swelling in the gums, mouth, or face?
  • Is there heavy bleeding from the mouth?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions, your little one is likely experiencing a dental emergency that requires urgent care. Please call our office immediately to schedule an appointment with our emergency dentist. Leaving dental issues untreated or delaying treatment can often lead to poor oral health and other serious health complications. The sooner your child is evaluated, the better the chances of avoiding complex and costly treatments down the road.

Note: If your child experiences a life-threatening emergency, do not wait. Contact 911 for assistance or head to your nearest emergency room.

Common Dental Emergencies and Things You Can Do to Help

Here are some common dental emergencies and tips for care before getting to our office:

Severe Toothache: Severe toothaches typically result from extensive decay, infection, or tooth trauma. Clean the area with warm water, check for any trapped food particles between the teeth, and use a cold compress to reduce swelling. If your little one’s pain persists or increases, contact Dentistry for Children to schedule an emergency appointment.

A Dislodged Tooth: A dislodged baby tooth, or one that is partially removed from the socket, may heal on its own. However, a permanent tooth will require urgent care. Contact our office to schedule an emergency appointment. Meanwhile, place cold compresses to provide pain relief and reduce any swelling.

A Knocked-Out (Avulsed) Tooth: We do not typically reattach knocked-out baby teeth because that can damage the adult teeth developing behind the scenes. If, however, your child knocks out a permanent tooth, pick it up carefully by the crown and rinse it gently in saliva and/or milk. Do not touch the roots or remove any of the connective tissues. Return the tooth to its socket using gentle pressure without forcing it in. If that is not possible, place the tooth in some milk and bring it with you to your child’s emergency appointment. A knocked-out permanent tooth is a time-sensitive emergency with only a one-hour window of time for successful replantation.

Dental Intrusion (Luxated Tooth): Trauma to a tooth can sometimes push it upward into the jawbone, which can cause complications, including injury to the tooth’s ligament and fracture of its socket. Make sure to contact our office for an emergency appointment. Meanwhile, rinse your child’s mouth and place an ice pack on the affected area to reduce swelling.

An Abscessed Tooth: A tooth abscess, which usually appears as a pimple-like bump on the gums, can occur due to tooth pulp infection. Contact Dentistry for Children immediately because a tooth infection left untreated is more than an oral health problem. It can cause severe pain, swelling, and fever, and the infection can enter the bloodstream, putting your child’s health at risk.

A Chipped, Broken, or Fractured Tooth: A tooth that’s chipped, broken, or fractured due to trauma will require emergency care, especially if you see a yellowish or pinkish tinge inside the tooth. Place a cold compress on the area and contact us right away to schedule an emergency appointment.

Soft Tissue Injury: If your child has an injury to the lips, cheeks, or tongue, use light, firm pressure to stop any bleeding, and contact our office to schedule an emergency appointment. If your child has severe, uncontrollable bleeding, head to your nearest emergency room for immediate assistance.

How Can You Lower the Risk of Dental Emergencies?

Did you know that most dental emergencies are preventable? The first thing you can do is to encourage your child to maintain good oral hygiene practices. That includes brushing with a soft-bristled brush and fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day and flossing daily to lower the risk of tooth decay and gum disease. We also recommend limiting sugary or acidic foods and drinks to prevent cavities. Make sure your child avoids biting down on hard foods, which can chip or fracture the teeth, providing an entryway for harmful oral bacteria.

If your child is engaged in high-intensity or contact sports or activities, a custom sports mouthguard will lower the risk of a dental emergency due to trauma. Studies show that young athletes are 60 times more likely to experience sports-related dental injuries if they do not wear protective sports mouthguards.

One of the most important things you can do for your child’s smile is to keep up with your child’s twice-yearly dental exams and cleanings. Dental cleanings remove plaque and tartar deposits, lowering the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and a host of dental problems. These appointments also allow our team to monitor your child’s oral health and treat any problems as they develop, preventing minor issues from progressing and becoming dental emergencies down the road.

Emergency Dental Care Near Me in Highland, IN

If your child experiences a dental emergency, Dr. Halum and his team at Dentistry for Children are here to help. We are fully equipped and prepared to provide your little one with the quality urgent dental services needed for prompt relief. We invite you to keep our number on hand and call our office at 219-924-5437 in the event your child experiences a dental emergency. You can always count on our team for exceptional, gentle care!